Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Washington Post: The Choice: Service members who say they were sexually assaulted face agonizing decisions about whether to speak up or stay silent

This A1 feature story in Sunday’s Washington Post shows exactly why your boss should not decide whether a sexual assault is prosecuted:

She lies because she thinks she has to, because of the legal document she signed during her fourth month at Bagram air base, after she sneaked over to the hospital and asked to see the person who handles sexual assaults, after a nurse took Polaroid photos of bruises on her neck and scratches on her back, collected swabs and hair samples and put them in a brown paper bag.

After that, she was handed Defense Department Form 2910 and told she had two choices for reporting rape.

She could file an unrestricted report, in which both she and the alleged offender, who Diana said was her boss, would be named and that would launch an investigation.

Read more here.