Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Ask President Obama to #EndVictimBlaming Against Military Sexual Assault Survivors

A message from Protect Our Defenders President Don Christensen:

President Obama told victims of military sexual assault that he has “got their back.”

Now it is time for him to prove it. With Protect Our Defenders’ support, Human Rights Watch produced and released a major report last week that found that victims who report their attacks are “12 times more likely to experience retaliation than to see their attacker convicted.” The DoD also found that 62% of women who report a sexual assault later experience retaliation.

But military brass continue to discredit sexual assault survivors, suggesting victims only think they are being retaliated against and that such “perceived” retaliation is a misunderstanding.

In reality, retaliation includes relentless harassment and isolation. It’s suddenly receiving downgraded performance reports that end a promising career, or being misdiagnosed with a personality disorder and getting kicked out of the service without benefits.

That is why we are calling on President Obama to stop the military’s disgraceful attempts to smear victims.

Join us and tweet @POTUS to address Pentagon victim blaming:

Sample tweet: Victims of #MST are attacked for speaking out. @POTUS told survivors he’s “got their back.” It’s time for him to prove it. #EndVictimBlaming

It’s despicable that our men and women in uniform are assaulted, retaliated against and then accused of lying. This victim blaming has gone on for far too long.

Thank you for your support of this issue.


Col. Don Christensen (ret.), President, Protect Our Defenders
Former US Air Force Chief Prosecutor

P.S. Click here to get a pre-populated tweet.

Protect Our Defenders Foundation sends email to supporters who seeks to honor, support and give voice to the brave women and men in uniform who have been sexually assaulted while serving their country.