Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Daily Beast: Trailblazing Capt. Gail Harris on Her Many ‘Firsts’ in the Military

The Daily Beast reports:

Despite the progress made, today’s military still faces its share of challenges, Harris says.

One of the more prominent issues is the sexual-assault crisis, on the heels of a Pentagon report that there were 26,000 instances of sexual assault in the military in 2012. Harris agrees with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-NY) proposal to take sexual-assault cases out of the military chain of command. She says she’s personally had both men and women confide to her that they had been sexually assaulted—by both military personnel and outsiders—but were too embarrassed to report it.

“How can an 18-year-old girl feel like she can go up the chain of command and tell on her boss? He is the chain of command,” she says.

 Read more here.