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Military Times: Generals expected on stand, in jury for 1-star’s sex assault case

Military Times reports:

Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair, soon to face a military trial on forcible sodomy and other misconduct charges, has mounted a double-barrelled counteroffensive more commonplace in high-profile civilian defense than in the military.

In the courtroom, Sinclair’s legal team has filed motions accusing the government of seizing emails on his government computers in violation of his constitutional rights and exerting illegal pressure to prosecute Sinclair. Lawyers representing Sinclair asked a military judge to force prosecutors to turn over any emails related to the case sent or received by former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

Outside court, his public relations team has launched a website called and Twitter account @SinclairFriendsthat have sought to shift attention from Sinclair onto the prosecution and Sinclair’s main accuser.

Read full article here.