Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Protect Our Defenders: Pulled Shaw brochure puts responsibility on victim

Protect Our Defenders in The Military Times:

Protect Our Defenders, an advocacy group for victims of military sexual
assault, took issue with the wording.

“The military’s prevention programs too often put the responsibility on the
victims to avoid being attacked when what they really ought to be focused on
is creating a climate where harassment is not acceptable, perpetrators are
effectively punished, and victims are appropriately supported rather than
suffering retribution as they often do now,” Nancy Parrish, POD president,
said in a statement.

“We will know they are making progress when we see perpetrators effectively
prosecuted, commanders who tolerate hostile environments being cashiered.
Until then, no amount of brochures or PowerPoint presentations are really
going to make a difference,” she said.

Read the full article here.