Anonymous’ Story

Anonymous’ Story

My rape happened when I and a male friend had duty (CQ) the same night which meant we were both off work the next day. He had an apartment off the water and we both thought it would be cool to hang out together. I was not attracted to this guy, we have never been in a relationship, and I never had an idea that he ever saw me like that because he never gave any indication otherwise.

We were sitting around when all of a sudden, he came over to the couch where I was and started rubbing up against me, and I kept telling him to stop and asking him what was he doing. After he could see that I continued to struggle and resist him, his 6’4”, 200 pounds overcame my 4’11” 110 pound body and he raped me. I felt so bad after it was over, I just asked him could I take a shower, which he said yes. I took a shower and when I came out, he had the nerve to be laying on the floor with his legs crossed as if he was a king and was really proud of what he had just done. I just asked him to take me back to the barracks. Neither of us said a word the whole 20 minute ride home.

I never reported and I know they would try to blame me, because this was back at a time when rape was not reported too often or was at least hard to prove, or at least that was the perception. When I got back to the barracks, I told a couple of my friends who encouraged me to report it, but again I was afraid.