Protect Our Defenders News Blog


The Key Differences: Gillibrand’s Amendment and Levin/McCaskill’s Proposal

We’ve received a lot of questions about two proposals in the Senate from people who are concerned about the way sexual assaults are handled in our military.

So we put together an infographic and an overview to explain the key differences.

Click here to learn how they differ, when they will be voted on, and what you can do to help:


The proposals could not be more different. Gillibrand’s MJIA would make a real change in how rapes are prosecuted, while Levin/McCaskill’s would largely preserve the status quo — a status quo that keeps the authority to handle the prosecution of sexual assault cases within the accused’s chain of command.

Our service members remain in danger of rape, retaliation, and re-victimization.

Learn how our lawmakers are proposing to fix the military justice system.

If you find this helpful, please tell us. And send on to others to let them know: Rape is a crime and should be treated like a crime by our military justice system.