Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Think Progress: This Lawsuit Could Change How The Military Handles Sexual Assault

Protect Our Defenders President Col Don Christensen is featured in this piece from Think Progress:

But many who work on this issue are skeptical that changes are coming. Protect Our Defenders, which advocates for victims of sexual assault, urges the DoD to take action. “The ongoing, but fixable sexual assault crisis is costing our military its best and brightest, not to mention hundreds of millions of dollars in VA costs every year. Unfortunately, the Pentagon continues to place commanders into an impossible position, in many cases they must choose who they believe between a victim and what appears to be a good solider, who may also be a sexual predator,” Col. Don Christensen, the former Chief Prosecutor of the Air Force and President of Protect Our Defenders said in a statement to ThinkProgress.

“The majority of victims remain in the shadows, while criminals terrorize more brave men and women in uniform and then these rapists are released into our communities without appropriate tracking,” Christensen said.

Read more here.